Saturday 5 February 2011

Finishing the drop-in upholstered to rush seat pad conversion

First of all I took careful measurements of the existing frame, then knowing that the rush cord is 5mm in diameter, I marked a pencil line around the perimeter at 5mm in from the edge. This was removed with the jig saw.

The cut was made on the outside of the pencil line, then I measured the frame again before planing the newly cut edges to a smooth surface.

Final job, rush the modified seat pad frame with paper fibre rush.

Hope the customer likes it!


HandyWoodcrafts said...

I dont know about your customer but i think they look fab.


Janet said...

Wonderful job !! How do you make the corners so nice ?

Kim said...

Thank you Drew and Jan!

Jan, using the fibre damp makes it easier to get the corner covering neat, holding the mitres in place while you weave can be a bit tough on your hands though!

Weavin' Wicker Woman said...

Excellent conversion there from the upholstery seat to the paper rush and such a great set of photo steps! BTW, love the blog layout and the addition of the "Favorite Posts" section on the left sidebar. That's how I discovered this post.