Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Basket design prize - hurry, closes in December!

So the prize will be...................

This "hand made by me" Bridesmaids Berry Basket filled with local Dorset goodies and produce!! So help me out please, what kind of basket would you like to be able to make if you could choose? You can either e-mail me at or leave me a comment here on this post or the previous prize post here with your suggestions. Entries accepted from Europe and America/Canada, (because the postage isn't too bad!) but sorry to all in Australia/New Zealand, this package would be a bit too large and expensive to send, but then I can always organise a different prize........So please don't be put off from entering.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

How about a letter/post basket. We usually end up leaving our post in a pile by the door for people to sort through to find their own. It looks untidy and often gets knocked onto the floor.