Thursday, 28 February 2013

One African Seagrass Chair finished, just one more to go.

Chaos still reigns here at F.G. Stripping the wallpaper off in one room revealed a need to re-plaster the walls, so this dirty job added to the already burgeoning list of other things "to do" has left us with the feeling that maybe we'll never get to the end of the work! It'll be a while before this room is back in commission.

However, work doesn't do itself, (as much as sometimes I wish it would) so soldier on we must! The third and penultimate African chair is finished and I'm mustering up the courage and concentration to start the last one soon.

It is lovely to see the finished article, but such a lot of weaving, effort and time goes into it. In between times for a bit of light relief, we're catching up with all of the drop-in rush seats and cane chairs that need repair. Trouble is as soon as we think we're getting ahead of the workload, more arrives, don't get me wrong.....I'm not moaning!

Another beautiful thing has happened, here's our new friend, his name is Digby and he's 14 weeks old.

Sadly he's not ours he belongs to our friend, but I have a feeling we may get to see him often. What more could we ask for!

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